вторник, 24 ноября 2015 г.

Poll: Britons favor a way out of the EU after the terrorist attacks in Paris

About 52% of the respondents expressed concern about the situation of refugees and the threat of terrorism in Europe, so in favor of the UK exit from the EU.

Most people in the UK - 52% of respondents - in favor of the country's withdrawal from the European Union, according to a survey conducted by the newspaper for the ORB

It is reported that two thousand people were interviewed last Wednesday and Thursday against the backdrop of terrorist attacks in Paris that killed 130 people. About 52% of the respondents were in favor of leaving the EU, 48% - against. It is noted that when the company ORB conducted a similar survey in June, July and September, the majority of survey respondents were against "brekzita."

"The change of public opinion after the attacks in Paris would be seen as a reflection of concern about the situation of refugees" - the newspaper said.

A referendum on Britain's membership of the European Union has to go to the end of 2017. Prime Minister David Cameron said that in the interests of Britain to remain within the EU, but subject to reform the union.

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