понедельник, 23 ноября 2015 г.

Remained without electricity for 938 thousand. Residents of Crimea

As of 8.00 on November 24 without electricity are 938 thousand. Residents of the Crimea, reports Situation and Analytical Center of the Ministry of Energy.

"Out of 859 objects connected to the backup power supply 548 objects - including 69.1 MW hospitals - 143 water supply facilities - 246 sewage pumping stations - 6, other objects - 153. No power supply is 311 object ", - stated in the certificate authorities in the Crimea.

It is noted that in Sevastopol all social facilities powered by standby power.

November 20 due to the undermining of the power line on the peninsula of Crimea is completely discontinued power supply from Ukraine. Without light on the peninsula were 1.9 million people.

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